Thursday, June 30, 2005

Florence Loot!

I'm eternally grateful to Lu for tipping me off to this fabulous yarn shop in Florence. It was located only a few blocks from my hotel and it was very easy to find. The front room was lined with shelves overflowing with 100g skeins of cotton and novelty yarns for the unheard-of price of 1.50 Euro. Seriously! But the real treasures are in the back of the shop where cones of fabulous yarn line all the shelves. You simply tell the clerk which yarn you'd like and the amount (in grams) and she winds it off onto a smaller cone. Yarn Heaven!!

As a result of my too-short stay at Campolmi Filati, I added these lovelies to my luggage:

1,500 yards of laceweight 100% cashmere at the amazing price of 20 Euro per 100g


3,000 yards of laceweight 100% merino in my all-time favorite color (a true terra cotta) at the equally amazing price of 2.90 Euro per 100g

These additions necessitated my subtracting the following items from my luggage:

One pair of nearly threadbare denim jeans, 3 pair of socks, one cheap umbrella.

I'd say that balances out in my favor, wouldn't you.

And nothing tastes better after a hard morning of yarn shopping than a gelato at Vivoli:

Va Bene!

Who's linking here?

Running commentary on my unending quest to knit up my stash.